For the Catholic Church to rediscover its life and energy, the Church will have to pay attention to the parish itself. The one lasting source of parish renewal is the same as it always has been: the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. It is the main way Christ forms his Church. Always and everywhere, our Source and Summit. But for the Eucharist to form parishioners as deeply as possible, they must come prepared with attentive minds and hearts. Such readiness to hear and respond is a challenge for many parishioners living in today’s culture. They live in an everyday world that continually forms them to be “on the go,” overly stimulated, and lacking in silence and depth.
The sole purpose of this book is to provide a simple and very practical vision to pastors and pastoral staffs so they can move parishioners to help each other prepare for the upcoming Sunday Eucharist. Volume 1 lays out the way for pastors and pastoral leaders to structure the parish so that parishioners continually listen to the upcoming Sunday fospel and make life connections before coming to Mass. This first book makes a strong case for developing the parish this way and is meant to convince pastors and parish staffs.

Continually Forming The Parish
By Fr. Art Baranowski and Theresa Doyle